Friday, September 16, 2011

Vote NO on Amendment One

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The NC General Assembly voted to make discrimination part of the NC Constitution. Voting on the amendment is at the 2012 PRIMARY in MAY, not November."Constitutional amendment to provide that marriage between one man and one woman is the only domestic legal union that shall be valid or recognized in this State."
---------STRATEGIES---------Remember, NO = AGAINST
1. Make sure you're registered: (see link below)
2. Vote "AGAINST" SB 514/Amendment One - ALL party affiliations can vote on this.
3. (OPTIONAL) Register as Unaffiliated and vote for primary challengers of those that voted in favor of SB 514 (Unaffiliated can choose EITHER partisan primary).
---------GET INFORMED---------
For all your election information:
Absentee voting info:


Democratic Representatives: Brisson; Crawford; Floyd; Goodman; Graham; Hill; McGuirt; Owens; Pierce; Spear
Republican Representatives: Avila; Barnhart; Blackwell; Blust; Boles; Brawley; Brown, L.; Brown, R.; Brubaker; Burr; Cleveland; Collins; Cook; Current; Daughtry; Dixon; Dockham; Dollar; Faircloth; Folwell; Frye; Gillespie; Guice; Hager; Hastings; Hilton; Hollo; Holloway; Howard; Hurley; Iler; Ingle; Johnson; Jones; Jordan; Justice; Killian; Langdon; LaRoque; Lewis; McComas; McCormick; McElraft; McGee; Mills; Moffitt; Moore, T.; Murry; Pridgen; Randleman; Sager; Saine; Samuelson; Sanderson; Setzer; Shepard; Stam; Starnes; Steen; Stevens; Stone; Tillis (SPEAKER); Torbett; Warren, H.; West
Democratic Senators: none
Republican Senators: Allran; Apodaca; Berger, P.; Bingham; Blake; Brock; Brown; Brunstetter; Clary; Daniel; Davis; East; Forrester; Goolsby; Gunn; Harrington; Hise; Hunt; Jackson; Meredith; Newton; Pate; Preston; Rabon; Rouzer; Rucho; Soucek; Stevens; Tillman; Tucker


I WILL BE 18 BY ELECTION DAY 2012. CAN I VOTE IN THE PRIMARY? Yes, you should register to vote as soon as possible. However, if you are not 18 by May 8, 2012 you will only be allowed to vote in the candidates primary. Only those that are 18 can vote on referenda, and Amendment One is considered a referendum. Do not be dismayed. You can still make a difference by voting out those that want to enshrine hate in our North Carolina Constitution. (Source: "Vote Registration Quick Facts" from and personal communication with the North Carolina Election Commission)-----"You could make a huge difference by volunteering for a get out the vote program to drive folks to the polls. Volunteer to hand out information, and work to defeat Amendment One. Even if you cannot cast a vote, you can make a huge difference." - Jeremy Clos 

- Everyone will have a chance to vote AGAINST the amendment regardless of party affiliation.
- Voter turnout is much lower at Primary elections.
- Voter turnout is higher when there's an important choice like President or Senator.
- Republicans will be choosing their Presidential candidate, increasing Republican turnout.
- Democrats have no high stakes Primary races that will increase turnout, only smaller races.
- 2008: about 517,000 citizens voted in the Republican Presidential  primary
- 2008: about 1,580,000 citizens voted in the Democratic Presidential  primary
- 2010: about 425,000 citizens voted in the Democratic Senator primary
- CONCLUSION: the votes are there, we just have to care.

"it is doubly, triply important not only that those of us who are supporters of LGBT rights get out to vote ourselves, but that we campaign actively to make sure others do as well. Remember that this vote is scheduled in May, not November, for a reason -- NC is holding a Republican presidential primary then and the turn-out will be almost exclusively Republican. Supporters of the amendment are counting on its riding the coattails of the Republican primary. The people who would be most likely to vote _against_ it -- Democrats, independents -- have no real compelling reason to go to the polls other than the amendment." - Andy Myers, EqualityNC

" Seems many people think that voting no means that they support gay marriage. I think it is important to let it be known that even without the amendment, gay marriage is still illegal. Voting no will keep hate and discrimination out of our state's most sacred text...our constitution. The amendment will also get rid of ALL unions other than MANY heterosexual couples that are in a civil union will lose all benefits, as NC [municipalities] will not be able to offer domestic partnership benefits. Those same couples will not have protections from domestic violence laws, nor have any say so about life and death decisions about their partner. Quite simply, all amendments to our state AND federal constitution have always been in order to extend rights and liberties, NOT to restrict them. If you vote NO, gay marriage will still be illegal!"- Ferocia Demure
[So, "protecting marriage" should not be a reason to vote FOR Amendment One]


2. Vote No on SB 514/Amendment One.
3. Register as Unaffiliated and vote for primary challengers of those that voted in favor of SB 514 (Unaffiliated voters can vote in either primary).

1. Assertion: My religion says gay marriage is wrong, so I'm going to vote yes.
One answer:  “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” - Jesus, Matthew 22:21 -- In other words, separate your religious duties from your government duties. It is not your religious duty to force the government to oppress others.

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